Who's Your Daddy!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

James' Birthday

James celebrated his 21st birthday in the comforts of his King's Mansion Home.. Here are some excerpts of the warm and cosy event...

Okay... this photo comprises the China Trip people from TPJC in 2002. The rest are the friends of China trip.. which includes myself in blue parachute red lions tshirt.. Meishan's bf and fren.. as well as that short guy there.. cant rem his name.. haha

James chats up everybody at the table... trying as hard as possible to entertain his guests.

A very successful table shot which includes everyone for the first time.

That's myself and James.. chilling out at the sofa...Me and Roland with James' Dog... Krystal... A lovely but plump dog... Cum Krystal.. Hand!

James and Penelope... Haha... James and Penny haf cum a long way... Long Long story.. not to be told here.. James... Look at his smiling face.. surrounded by babes.. Lolx Audrey and Sok Wan taking a photo of themselves while we are all busy playing Bridge.. one of our favouries pastimes... Justin Looks on...Once more... the group pic...


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